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The Future of Work

A new way to work together


Holacracy is a management system, a way to work together which accelerates us into the the future of work. It's not like anything you've met before. In Holacracy the power structure shifts from traditional hierarchy to a network of self-managed circles and roles.  

Holacracy takes its inspiration from nature and life in its models and works on principles of self-ogranization, personal responsibilty and a meaningful purpose. 

Who is it for?

 Start-ups and Companies


Social NGOs

Anyone looking for an innovative way to work with other people

Main benefits we see with Holacracy

Image by Eden Constantino

Agile Management

Holcracy enables agile governance and increases resilience


Collective Wisdom

Harnesses the collective knowledge and organizational wisdom

Hot Air Balloons

Drives Creativity

Self management enables the freedom and creativity needed for the joint purpose

People Playing Djembe

Constant Improvement

Powers constant learning and personal development 

Lead from Different roles

Roles enable people to lead in a multi-disiplinary way

Image by Michał Parzuchowski

Increases Engagement

People feel connected, influential, valuable and engaged

How does it work?
Maximum autonomy through Roles, not jobs

The main difference between traditional management and holacracy is the power structure. 

Whereas in a regular organization we are used to think in terms of employees, mid-management, senior management  and at the top - the CEO (everyone wants to be the CEO, right?), with holacracy we learn something new. Holacracy breaks down this pyramid structure into small centers of authority (circles and roles), which have full autonomy and power in order to fulfil their purpose, while working under the same framework of rules.  
By doing so, we allow people to maximize their potential and create high organizational engagement. 

In ordinary organizations we define job descriptions. These are static definitions which are not updated according to the real work that's being done. This creates unspoken expectations, tensions which arise from lack of clarity and communication.

Holacracy invites clarity. Roles which express the authority of each role in a live, dynamic, evolving way. Then we rock together!

  • * In Holacracy we all take part in building the organization's governance, with clear processes that are the backbone of the organization. ​

  • * Circles and Roles enable people to be part of a few domains in the company based on passion and skills - this allows the humans in the org a broad and also in-depth experience of working together, of personal and professional growth. 

* We talk about "Energizing Roles". Action coming from such intent brings a very unique energy, which is hard to come by. Working out of a sense of responsibility.​

Contact me to learn more!
You can call 972-54-6336271
or using the form


Be a Whole person | A Leader in every Chair
Operation from awareness and managing needs

Work in a Holacratic organization assumes that everyone meets tensions in their day to day. A tension is defined as a certain gap between the what we witness and what we desire. Instead of looking at tensions as a bad thing, Holacracy invites us to see these tensitons as a step forward into improvement. 

This is then handled in a defined and structured format, creating maturity developent and improvement built-in the process. Practices such as Non-Violent Communication help support the individual and the organizational space within this framework. 

We are then invite to lead our work and personal and professional development with models of feedback, colleague consultations and personal leadership development. 

Organizations that do good for people and society.

A Friend recently told me that Holacracy is about being a responsible adult. I think it makes a lot of sense. 

Where can you learn more?

Dartboard Bullseye

Considering this new path?
Holcracy fits organizations of all sizes - from small startups to medium and large scale. 
I am part of a group of professionals who practice and consult Holacracy. For further questions please feel free to reach out. 

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